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A) NAME: The name of the organization shall be Kentuckiana Gay Nudists (KGN), established in Louisville, KY in June, 1993.

B) MISSION STATEMENT: To sponsor, plan and hold events for men who enjoy naked socializing in a confidential and non-sexually oriented setting and promote positive interaction with other male nudist organizations.


  • Provide opportunities for social interaction, support, comradeship and education for the membership.

  • Foster the growth and positive understanding of male social nudism.
  • Cooperate with other nudist/naturist organizations


A) ELIGIBILITY: Membership is open to all gay, bisexual, and gay-friendly men without regard to race, religion, age (21 and over), national origin, disability, physical appearance or HIV status.

1. Members, potential members, and guests must certify by proof of ID (if requested) that they are at least 21 years of age.

2. Membership is not transferrable or assignable.

3. Applicants for membership shall submit a completed application, which includes date of birth, along with annual dues. The Board of Directors (BOD) shall retain final approving authority for acceptance or rejection of applicants.


Article 3 – CONFIDENTIALITY: This includes non-disclosure of information by members and KGN.

A) All members have the right to non-disclosure of their personal information. Names and other personal information (e.g. Photos) of members shall not be used for any purpose, whether commercial or non-profit, without the written permission of the member concerned.

B) KGN maintains a membership roster of all members which is shared information only among the BOD. Members receive an annual membership directory only if they have indicated as such on their membership forms. The directory contains only the information of other members who have voluntarily agreed to be listed in the directory.

Article 4 – DUES AND FEES SCHEDULE – The BOD shall have the authority to establish annual dues and certain fees herein described:


  • The BOD shall have the authority to establish annual dues and certain fees herein described.
  • Annual dues are made payable to KGN and sent to the treasurer on or before January 1. Singles or couples memberships are available. Dues are delinquent after January 31. A grace period may be grantedby the BOD.
  • A member joining January 1 through June 30 shall pay the annual membership dues; members joining July 1 through December 31 shall pay one-half of the annual membership dues.
  • Member and guest fees may be assessed by the BOD for financing events and activities.


Recurring fees for the organization are payable by the treasurer upon receipt of invoice.



  • A monthly newsletter shall be distributed to each member by snail mail or email.
  • KGN shall maintain a post office box.
  • KGN shall maintain an informational website.
  • An annual membership directory shall be prepared and distributed to those members who have requested on their application forms that they wish to be listed.


  • Any public statements, publication, or pictures produced for, or from KGN, cannot be publicized without the express written permission of members included in such statements, pictures, or videos.
  • The KGN logo and name cannot be used without the express written permission of the BOD.
  • Violations of these protocols may subject the offending member to disciplinary action as determined by the Board.

Article 6 – GOVERNANCE


  • The Officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) make up the Executive Committee (EXCOM) and, combined with the Members-at-Large, comprise the Board of Directors (BOD).


  • plans agendas and presides at all Board and regular meetings
  • acts as spokesperson of the club with full authority and duties incidental to said office, and serves as a member ex-officio of all committees
  • appoints committees as necessary
  • may call BOD and EXCOM meetings as needed
  • supervises content of the newsletter and website, as well as informs the newsletter editor and webmaster of upcoming events and posting of BOD minutes
  • acts as, or may appoint someone else to act as, liaison with other organizations and media relations
  • receives reports from the secretary regarding membership status and the treasurer regarding financial status and holds these persons accountable for the duties of their positions, and arranges for audits as necessary
  • provides leadership in the planning, scheduling, and promoting of social events
  • solicits the membership for ideas and general feedback and maintains contact with possible hosts for socials
  • makes progress reports to the Board
  • shall sign a signature card at the chosen financial institution for the purpose of signing checks when treasurer is unavailable
  • appoints functional positions of archivist/historian, parliamentarian, and webmaster
  • is responsible for the delivery of materials pertinent to his office to the newly elected president. The materials will be turned over at the assumption of the new administration no later than January 1


  • performs the duties of the president in his absence and assumes the presidency upon the vacancy of that office
  • assists the president as needed
  • serves as an ex-officio member of all committees if requested by the president
  • records and transcribes meeting minutes of the Board in the absence of the secretary
  • provides input to the president regarding matters of member concerns, policy recommendations, and adherence to the bylaws
  • oversees and assists as necessary to ensure that required properties, equipment, and supplies are acquired and transported to and from all approved social functions
  • other duties as assigned by the president or BOD


  • records, transcribes, maintains, and distributes electronic and written copies of the minutes of all meetings, and provides a copy to BOD members for review and approval of the minutes at scheduled meetings
  • provides a copy of the approved minutes to the president for inclusion in the next newsletter
  • maintains the database of the membership roster and supplies copies to all BOD members as updates are incurred
  • maintains confidentiality of membership records
  • is responsible for maintaining correspondence lists and copies of incoming correspondence in printed and electronic forms
  • keeps a current copy of the bylaws with amendments (if applicable), distributes copies to the membership and for posting on the website
  • presides at meetings in the absence of the president and vice-president
  • is responsible for the preparation and delivery of materials pertinent to his office, to the newly elected secretary. The materials will be turned over at the assumption of the new administration no later than January 1
  • other duties as assigned by the president or BOD


  • collects, receives and deposits KGN funds of KGN in a timely manner in a financial institution approved by the BOD
  • keeps records of all financial transactions incidental to KGN business, including records of “in-kind” contributions.
  • presents a financial report for review and approval at BOD meetings and submits a summarized financial report for inclusion in the newsletter.
  • signs a signature card at the bank for authorization to make deposits and write checks for KGN
  • prepares and submits checks for KGN operating expenses
  • notifies the officers of any member in arrears of dues and debts payable to KGN
  • maintains custodianship for all financial property and records of KGN
  • disburses payment or reimbursement to members for expenses incurred in providing non-alcoholic beverages and/or finger foods at socials, provided that hosts supply a receipt of such expenses to the treasurer no later than thirty days after the social. The BOD may authorize additional KGN-paid expenses for socials under special circumstances,
  • is responsible for the preparation and delivery of materials pertinent to his office, to the newly elected treasurer. The materials will be turned over at the assumption of the new administration no later than January 1


  • four members-at-large (including the immediate past president) shall serve as members of the BOD and shall deliberate and vote with the officers on the business of the organization

B) FUNCTIONAL OFFICES: These positions are appointed at the pleasure of the president to serve specific duties.


  •  collects, organizes, and safeguards all documents pertaining to the history and activities of KGN. This includes newsletters, bylaws, policies, minutes, e-mails sent to the general membership, articles reported on by sources outside KGN, and previous and current membership lists. Photographs are included only if the photographer relinquishes his right to ownership of the photos and subjects give consent to KGN to include these photographs in its archives.
  • maintains club records in a chronological order
  • safeguards all materials from damage (e.g. Temperature, water, humidity)
  • conducts talks as requested highlighting the history of KGN
  • makes available archived materials to the membership as requested for viewing and to outside individuals or organizations for research (only with BOD approval)
  • is responsible for the preparation and delivery of materials pertinent to his office, to the successor appointed historian/archivist. The materials will be turned over at the assumption of the new administration no later than January 1


  • prepares and distributes the monthly newsletter to all paid members and to select male naturist clubs. Distribution is made either by postal mail or e-mail as indicated by member’s preference on their membership form. Newsletter should be mailed with sufficient time to plan to attend an upcoming social event.
  • at a minimum, includes in the newsletter the president’s comments, summarized financial statement, BOD meeting results, and details of upcoming socials
  • pictures of members must be granted by written permission of the person(s) involved


  • creates and maintains a website for the purpose of publicity of KGN, event announcements, posting of the current bylaws, and other material as deemed necessary by the BOD
  • receives event announcements from the president and/or newsletter editor and posts this information at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event
  • creates links so that the officers can receive e-mail through the website and access it by means of a password.
  • posts a membership form compatible with Adobe Reader that can be filled in online and submitted by a new or renewing member


  • A nominating committee shall serve according to Article 7(E) 2 below for the purpose of selecting nominations for the slate of officers and members-at-large.
  • If there are no candidates for a particular office, nominations may be taken from the floor, provided the person nominated agrees to serve if elected. Voting shall be done by secret ballot.
  • The annual election takes place during a business meeting expressly for that purpose during a November social.
  • Newly elected persons shall serve for a one-year term beginning January 1. There are no term limits if the person presents himself for candidacy for the same position for another year.


  • If any elected or appointed person(s) fails to carry out the duties of their office, and proof is in evidence thereof, they may be removed by two-thirds affirmative vote of the membership present where such a vote is taken. Such a vote may be taken at either a regular meeting or a special meeting as called by any EXCOM member.
  • Any officer being considered for removal or other disciplinary action must be informed in writing of charges against him. Said officer shall have the opportunity within thirty days to rebut the charges.
  • If the vote to discipline or remove a person takes place during a regular meeting the membership must have notice of such a vote at least two weeks prior to the meeting.


  • An officer may resign in writing to the president or secretary.
  • Upon an officer’s resignation an election will be held at the next general meeting to replace that officer.

Article 7 – MEETINGS

A) MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: The president (or his designee) shall conduct a meeting during a social (at a time agreed upon with consultation of the host) for the purpose of informing members of:

  • pertinent news regarding actions of the business meeting of the BOD, if it has met since the last social
  • soliciting feedback from members such as ideas, opinions, or discussion regarding socials
  • announcing upcoming socials

B) ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: The president shall conduct an annual business meeting of the membership present during the November social for the primary purpose of conducting elections of BOD members. This meeting will be announced in the newsletter with details about the November social and additionally on our website and Yahoo group site.

C) QUARTERLY BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS: The president shall announce date, time, and location of and preside over quarterly BOD meetings for the purpose of reviewing and approving past minutes and treasurer’s reports, discussion of old business , hearing reports from individuals or heads of committees, sharing news of confirmed socials and possible locations and hosts of future socials, and consideration of new business.

  • Meetings shall be conducted in general accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
  • Minutes are required to be taken at all meetings and reported to the membership through the newsletter or at the following social after approval by the BOD.
  • A quorum is considered a simple majority of the membership in good standing at any KGN meeting.
  • Members and guest may attend and participate in BOD meetings, but have no vote.
  • EXCOM or Members-at-Large who expect to be absent must contact the president or secretary prior to the meeting to be excused

D) SPECIAL MEETINGS: The president or any KGN member may request a special meeting consisting of EXCOM officers as needed to deal with matters of urgency that cannot wait until the next BOD meeting or involve the possible discipline of an officer.

  • meetings shall be closed to the general membership except by invitation or by attendance by the person(s) requesting the meeting.
  • other business of KGN shall not be discussed nor shall any other item come before the BOD except those items on the agenda

E) COMMITTEES: The president may appoint committees and chairs as needed to fulfill the mission of the organization.

  • When giving their report at a BOD meeting, the committee(s) chairperson shall report by giving a progress report of their activities.
  • A Nomination Committee is the only required committee of KGN. This committee is composed of three members and shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting for a term of one year, and shall not be eligible again for committee membership until a lapse of one year. The committee shall present to the general membership a slate of nominees for (a) EXCOM, (b) Members-at-Large, and (c) nominating committee members.


A) EVENT BEHAVIOR: The BOD may make rules for conduct at or in conjunction with KGN events. The scope of such rules may include, but is not limited to: (a) smoking, (b) alcohol, or (c) sexual activity.

  • Hosts of socials are generally regarded as the person taking charge of conduct allowable given the location, consent of members, and the legality of conduct taking place, and may announce additional rules applicable to his event. Any activity deemed illegal by Kentucky Revised Statutes, is not condoned by the KGN BOD.
  • Any member or guest attending a KGN event shall disrobe within thirty minutes after his arrival at the event, except the host or president may waive this provision if it is necessary otherwise to be clothed (e.g. Doorkeeper, parking attendant).
  •  VIOLATIONS OF RULES: If at a KGN event a Board member or event host reasonably believes that a member has violated any stated or additionally announced rules, the individual shall be verbally counseled as a first warning, and will be expelled from the event upon the second offense.


A) AUTHORITY: Residual executive authority resides in the BOD collectively, rather than in any one individual. Aside from signing authority, and subject to the bylaws, and any applicable resolution of the BOD, each officer has the authority reasonably necessary to carry out the ordinary duties of his office and is accountable to the BOD.

B) SUSPENDED OR TERMINATED MEMBERS : A suspended or terminated member may reapply in writing for membership after six months to the president for action at the Board’s discretion. If a member is suspended or terminated by the Board, he shall be barred from attending KGN events until he again becomes a member in good standing.


  • A member may invite a guest or guests to a social provided the member assumes the responsibility of the guest compliance with the provisions of Article 8 (Rules at Socials)
  • A guest may attend only two socials and thereafter must apply for membership to attend future socials.
  • Other guests not attending a social by invitation of a member are welcomed to attend provided he complies with the above provisions.

Article 10 – DISBANDMENT

A) PROCEDURE: In the event the club is dissolved, a special meeting shall be called requiring as many members to attend (if possible). At this time, all past records not necessary for tax purposes will be distributed or dissolved in such a manner to be determined by a majority vote of the members present.

B) DISPOSAL OF FUNDS: In the event of disbandment, the members at the disbandment meeting shall decide by 2/3 majority vote which assets and the proportion thereof to donate to either a charitable or nonprofit organization.

Article 11 – AMENDMENTS

A) ADOPTION: The KGN bylaws may be amended by an 2/3 affirmative vote by members in good standing at a membership meeting or the annual business meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been previously read and discussed by the membership at one previous meeting.

B) NOTIFICATION: When an amendment to the bylaws has been adopted, the text of the amended provision shall be published in the next edition of the newsletter and posted on the website and Yahoo group site.

C) SEVERABILITY: The waiver or invalidation of any provision of the bylaws shall not affect the enforcement or the validity of the other provisions.

Approved by a two-third (2/3) affirmative vote of the membership

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